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Thursday, April 4, 2013

iPhone 5 Most Searched Smartphone in March

11:40 PM
iPhone 5 Most Searched Smartphone in MarchiPhone 5 Screen

New data from consumer shopping app BuyVia have noted that the top searched item in March wasn’t the Galaxy S4 or Blackberry’s Z10, it was the iPhone 5.

According to the San Francisco Gate, BuyVia noted that a large majority of their users have been searching up and clicking on black iPhone 5 handsets.
The iPhone and the iPhone 5 were both second behind “laptop” in search terms used on the site, with Norman Fong, CEO and Co-Founder of BuyVia, noting that…
“While some are questioning Apple’s ability to continue to command market leadership, the Apple iPhone remained king when it came to Smartphone searches in March,” … “Dell laptops were the most searched brand in March, indicating that although tablets are increasing in popularity, laptops remain a significant device in consumers’ lives.”
This basically just goes to show that despite the waning might of Apple’s muscle in the investor’s market doesn’t necessarily hold the same cadence in the consumer market…and it’s because it’s much stronger.


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