Breaking News
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

iOS keyboard input types

2:24 AM
Input TypeDescription
UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapableKeyboard includes all standard ASCII characters.
UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuationKeyboard display numbers and punctuations once its shown.
UIKeyboardTypeURLKeyboard is optimized for URL entry.
UIKeyboardTypeNumberPadKeyboard is used for PIN input and show a numeric keyboard.
UIKeyboardTypePhonePadKeyboard is optimized for entering phone numbers.
UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePadKeyboard is used for entering name or phone number.
UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddressKeyboard is optimized for entering email address.
UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPadKeyboard is used for entering decimal numbers.
UIKeyboardTypeTwitterKeyboard is optimized for twitter with @ and # symbols.


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